Resource Hub

Our rules and policies help ensure fair competition for swimmers, and ensure that Mandarin Kraken is running under the utmost transparency as an organization. You can find our most various protocols and procredures here. 

RCSL Code of Conduct 

Concussion Information Sheet

Sportsmanship Expectations

Suspension or Expulsion

Weather Concerns


Team Rules for ALL Practices & Home Meets

We believe we are very fortunate to have the City of Jacksonville & Mandarin High supply a facility and want to do everything possible to keep the relationship mutually beneficial.  In respect to them, it is very important that we follow a few simple rules:

  • All team members MUST remain within the pool area (the fenced pool and the locker rooms) at all practices.
  • Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before practice times and do not "queue up" in front of the gates. Other groups are using the pool before us and they need to be able to use the gates to exit the facility before we can go in.
  • No glass containers inside the fenced pool area, lavatories or concrete terrace and sidewalks (attracts ants, bees, etc).
  • No running inside the pool area; no pushing or other "horseplay" anywhere on the school grounds.
  • No diving into the pool unless under a COACH'S supervision.
  • No alcohol or smoking is allowed at the meets or championship.
  • All trash must be placed in the proper trash receptacles (in the past, this chore has seemed to fall to the coaches and a few nice volunteers - let's all help out this year!)

Team Rules for ALL Meets

These team rules should be followed for ALL meets:

  • Please use the Online Registration system to let us know the meets your swimmers are going to attend or miss as soon as possible. 
  • Please arrive at all meets at least 10 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE START TIMES LISTED HEREIN for warm-up and to allow the coaches to verify their line-ups.
  • Do not leave a meet EARLY without checking with the coaches first - you may be needed for a relay!!
  • No alcohol or smoking is allowed at the meets or championship.
  • Please always try to treat your teammates, coaches and parents with respect and to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times (THIS INCLUDES CLEANING UP YOUR AND THE TEAM’S AREAS AFTERWARDS!)

Remember, our children look to us to set examples for them.