Whom do I contact?

Here is breakdown of the GCY Staff contact list for specific and all general issues.  

Is YMCA membership required, even for Mako Swimmers?

Yes, GCY is a Y swim team so all of our swimmers must be Y members. Please visit the YMCA of Greensboro's web-site for more information about membership.

Can you still compete seasonally?

Yes, all of our programs are monthly, and you may stop at any time with a 15-day notice before the next draft by completing and sending in the GCY cancellation form (email Cynthia Shannon at [email protected] to request). You may also put your membership (YMCA or GCY) on hold for a period of up to 3 months if you know you are coming back. You may start our program at any time if space is available. We recommend starting in the fall and swimming all the way through!

Is financial assistance available with all of our programs?

Yes, Financial Aid is available for all components of our program!  Reductions are available for monthly fees (Y Financial Assistance Program), registration fees (USA Swimming Reduced Lunch Discount) and meet fees/team travel (Trevor Hawkins Scholarship).

Is participation in swim meets required?

No, but participation is encouraged, especially at our home meets. At the National levels, those groups are expected to participate in our scheduled meets. Seasonal swimmers are also eligible to participate in our many closed Y meets.

How do you sign-up for a swim meet?

Once a meet is open, you will receive an automated email with the meet deadline. For all of our swim meets you must log into your account and click ATTEND or DECLINE, and you may even select your events (coaches have final edit). You will not be entered in a meet UNLESS you login to accept the meet. Meet fees apply and vary depending on the meet.

Why were National groups separated, what is National 1 and why is it priced the same as National 2?

Because of the emergence of consistently highly competitive swimmers at the national level, more appropriate separation will be emphasized depending on specific practices, stroke, practice speed and levels. ALL swimmers here should be ready to train, learn and race!

Simply Put:

  • National 1 - Trying to MAKE the YMCA National time standard
  • National 2 - Focusing on PERFORMANCE at YMCA Nationals and other national level meets
  • Both groups - performance at December champs as well as NC Senior Champs (and/or NC 14&Under Champs) is still emphasized

4 Separation Phases:

  • Daily (IM, Free, General) - Fast to Faster to Fastest across the pool (lanes even skilled)
  • USRPT - Fastest to slowest each lane (push off with app levels)
  • Stroke Specific/Distance/Sprint - Same as "Daily" but reclassified depending on strengths
  • Specialty/Big Meet Focus - Late Nov/Early Dec, Feb, Mar, then again in July

Are National and National Prep swimmers auto-entered in every meet?

No, you must personally log in and sign up for the meet you wish to attend before the deadline.

Can I use my bankdraft information from last year?

No, each season is separate. We must collect new information each year.

Do I have to pay by bankdraft?

No, you pay for the entire swim season in full (registration fee + 12 months or 9 months depending on level). Just like the YMCA membership paid annually, it is non-refundable.

Can I pay each month over the counter?

No, with over 300 swimmers in the GCY program, we do not have the staff to process individual payments monthly and keep your costs reasonable.