National qualification Standards 2021 - 2022

 Western/Eastern National Times - Being part of a Western province, our swimmers look at achieving Western National Times.  A minimum of 1 Western National time is required to attend Western National Championships.  This meet takes place in April annually.

Canadian Junior Championships Times - A minimum of one CJC times in the distinct age the swimmer will be as of the last day of Junior Nationals are required to attend this meet.  This meet takes place annually the end of July, and generally alternates between an Eastern location and a Western location.

Swimming Canada is excited to re-announce a new event that will take place in the summer of 2022 and 2024. The Canadian Junior and Senior Swimming Championships will be a single event replacing the Canadian Junior and Canadian Swimming Championships in these years

Canadian Swimming Championship Times - A minimum of qualifying time is required to attend Championships and some International events.  Championships are qualifier meets for our Canadian Tour Teams such as World Championships, Pan Pacific Games, and ultimately the Olympics.  Note: if it is an Olympic year, a swimmer must qualify in an Olympic event in order to attend Olympic Trials.

Prelim Meet Info click here

2021 - 2024 National standards click here

2022 Western standards course click here