Team Fees

  • Swimmers are required to give one month notice to the Team Manager and their group coach before leaving NJST and will be obligated for any practice fees or other team fees incurred during that month, except for specific exceptions outlined in the team's Fess, Discounts, Payments, and Refund Policy. 
  • Swimmers who are new to NJST are allowed a one-week trial period. For those joining NJST, their swim practice fees are due at the end of that week, to include the trial week. For returning swimmers, swim practice fees are due by the 5th day of the first month. Going forward, all NJST competive groups will have a yearly registration billed in 9 monthly payments(Sept-May). Competitive swimmers that join on/after January 1 will be adjusted to a monthly fee through July. The pre-competitive groups will be billed in 11 monthly payments (Sept -July). Swimmers will be billed for all the weeks they are in the pool. Dues will be prorated when swimmers join mid month.
  • At the time of registration, a $100 annual fee will be assessed ($50 if joining on/after May 1). USA swim registration will now be handled seperately from team registration.  All swimmers must have a valid USA Swim Membership within 15 days of joining the team. A $5 surcharge will be assessed on all meet fees. 
  • NJST accepts credit card and ACH (automatic clearing house through your banking account). Checks are only accepted for those choosing to pay by ACH at registration. 


  • $100/month (Sept-July)
  • $100/month (Sept-July)
  • Limited to 20 swimmers max
  • $115/month (Sept-July)



  • $1363.00 Payment in Full
  • $152 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registration after January 1 - $112.50 per month through July


  • $1650 Payment in Full
  • $183.50 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registration after January 1 - $150 per month through July


  • $2040 Payment in Full
  • $227 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • registration after January 1 -$185.50 per month through July


  • $2304 Payment in Full
  • $256 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registraion after January 1 - $209.50 per month through July


  • $2424.00 Payment in Full
  • $269.50 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registartion after January 1 - $220.50 per month through July


  • $1779 Payment in Full
  • $198 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registraton after January 1 - $162 per month through July


  • $2070 Payment in Full
  • $230 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registration after January 1 - $190 per month through July


  • $2829 Payment in Full
  • $314.50 per month for 9 months (Sept-May)
  • Registation after January 1 - $260 per month through July 

Please review the following information in the team's

  • Fee Payment Policy
  • Additional Fees
  • Payment Options
  • Additional Discounts
  • **Note - There are no practices for NJST swimmers after their final championship meet of the long course season (State, Zones, Sectionals, Nationals or U.S. Open, as applicable). The younger age-group swimmers (those in Yellow, Gold, and Red Groups) receive fewer practices in June & July. The pro-rated fees for those months have been calculated into the 9 month billing cycle.Competitive swimmers that join before February 1 will only be billed for meet fees during the month of June and July.