Pool Parties: 

  • POOL PARTY REQUEST FORMS are available here and from the pool manager.  In order to secure a date for a party, a request form must be filled out and turned into the pool manager at least 14 days prior to the party.
  • A maximum of 20 people are allowed per party during open hours; this includes both swimmers and non-swimmers.  In some cases, parties larger than 20 people can be accommodated during open hours, but it is at the discretion of the Pool Manager. 
  • Larger parties (more than 20 people) may be held during key holder swim hours with permission of the pool manager.
  • The pool manager will contact you within seven days to confirm or deny your request.
  • FPCC will reserve blue picnic tables on the lawn for the party.  Patio furniture on the deck should not be used unless approved by the pool manager. 
  • You are required to clean up your area within 15 minutes of the conclusion of your party.
  • This is a brief summary of pool party regulations. You and your guests are responsible for knowing and following all the regulations of a pool party as outlined in the FPCC Rules Document.

BBQ Islands:

  • The four BBQ islands are hooked up to our natural gas supply.
  • BBQ GRILL INSTRUCTIONS explain how to use our wonderful grills.
  • To light the grills, press and hold in the control knob while its in the off position for five seconds, then rotate the knob, while still pressing the knob in, to the LIGHT position to start the burner.
  • Please remember to turn the grills off when you are done.