All Stars and Zones General Info

COACH Cassie Hendricks

This is a general info for all families! 

In our South Dakota Swimming LSC we attend two swim meets each year as TEAM SOUTH DAKOTA rather than as a club. These 2 meets are Midwest All-stars in January and Central Zones in August. These are both 14 and under swim meets.

Team South Dakota sends our top 14 and under swimmers in the state to each meet. The Selection process is a little different for each of these meets but is based off ranking in the state in your age group and/or qualifying times for Zones (AAA time standard) or top 2 in the State. 

We recommend if you are ranked in the Top 10 and are interested in attending All-Stars in Des Moines, Iowa this year to apply on South Dakota Swimming! This meet is January 5-7 this year. Here is the link: The Deadline is December 18.

If you have any questions regarding the selection process or about the meets ask Coach Wendy ([email protected]) as she is the Head Coach for South Dakota Swimming for this meet!

Here is the link for South Dakota Top 16 list (LSC Chair said it should be updated this afternoon), qualifying times for State Meet and you can also find the AAA time Standard under Motivational times which would get you an automatic qualification for Zones in the Summer. 

Other meets we attend that are qualifying meets are Sectionals and NCSA age group championships in the spring! These are both Elite meets and Coaches will be in Communication about these if you swimmer is close to qualifying or has qualified!