Swim Groups


Swim Groups & Expectations:

Swimmers are evaluated on an ongoing basis and will be placed in the appropriate group at the coach’s discretion. Moving up to a different swimming group will be discussed with the swimmer when their coach feels they are ready for an additional challenge. This will be a natural progression for the swimmer and is done on an individual basis. 

The Brookings Swim Club encourages participation by all levels of swimmers with a wide variety of abilities and goals. Some children choose to participate in other activities while others choose to make swimming their primary sport. These decisions will dictate when and how often your swimmer attends practice. Parents and swimmers are encouraged to discuss their goals with the coaches so that everyone is working towards the same objective. The desires/goals set for each swimmer will determine the number of practices appropriate to achieve their goal. If your swimmer aspires to be a collegiate athlete, they will have higher expectations than those that are not on the collegiate path.


Bronze 1

Recommended: Swimmers will have 2-3 practices a week.




Swimmers should be able to swim 25 yards of Freestyle and Backstroke before joining.

Teach basics of the four strokes (legal strokes), somersaults, flip turns, two hand turns, streamline, finishes, dives/starts.

BSC will provide at this level

Bronze 2

Recommended: Swimmers will have 2-3 practices a week.




Swimmers should have 4 legal strokes to move to this group

Focus on continued instruction of four strokes, starts, & turns, able to swim 100 IM without stopping, legally and proficiently. Small sets and introducing simple stroke drills.

BSC will provide at this level


Recommended: Swimmer should practice 3-4 times a week




Swimmers should be advanced in Bronze 2 group and have completed the objectives of bronze 22

Fine tune all four strokes and all types of turns, practice starts, begin to do distances longer than 100 yards, master simple drills, small - medium sets

BSC will provide at this level


Recommended: Swimmer should practice 4-5 times a week




Swimmers should be advanced in Silver and completed Silver objectives

Fine tune, advanced skills, & stroke development are emphasized along with increased expectations for aerobic training, medium sets. Swimmers should expect interval training during their practices.

Coaches to provide list at start of each season


Recommended: Swimmer should practice 5-6 times a week




Swimmers should be advanced Gold swimmers and completed Gold objectives

Refine understood drills, master basics, master starts & turns, longer distances, aerobically oriented training, Dryland circuit training. Advanced interval training.

Coaches to provide list at start of each season


Recommended: Swimmer should practice 5-6 times a week




Swimmers should be advanced Junior swimmers and completed Junior objectives.

Refine understood drills, high intensity training, cardiovascular conditioning, shift from primary skill acquisition to more challenging physical training, integrate known techniques and skills into larger sets; master basics, master starts & turns; relay exchanges; dry land training/ lifting.

Coaches to provide list at start of each season