Join Us!
Swimming and diving are gaining popularity in Huntsville! Read how the city is supporting our sports HERE.
Swimming and Diving rely heavily on volunteers to work as officials in order to conduct fair and equitable competition for our athletes. HSA needs to grow with the city's capacity for competition.
In other words, we need your help!
If you are considering officiating for swimming but are still not quite sure, check out the Top 10 reasons why you should:
10. You’re at the meet anyway - why not?
9. Swimming is a family sport that is volunteer intensive – officiating counts for your volunteer requirement for our HSA meets.
8. Free food at meets - home and away (Free is good).
7. HSA covers USA-S member registration and training fees (Free is good).
6. Being on deck provides a shorter walk for your swimmer(s) to come to you looking for money….
5. Possible tax deductions when working away meets (Most teams are 501c3. Please consult applicable state & federal tax laws.)
4. You become more educated and informed on the sport (you DO NOT have to be a current or former swimmer).
3. You have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to your child’s swimming efforts.
2. When you become a USA-S certified official, you are qualified to officiate for the Rocket City Swim League, Alabama High School Athletic Association and ARPA meets. USA-S also has a reciprocal agreement with the YMCA.
1. Best seat in the house! (The bleachers get crowded and really aren’t all that comfortable).
Click here to view USA Swimming's minimum standards for officials.
Click here for an HSA primer on becoming an official.
If you have further questions or are ready to get started and would like assistance, please contact Steve Henderson or David Hudson.