2016-2017 HSA Job Descriptions for Home Meets
The job list below is a brief description of positions available for HSA’s home meets. All parents are needed, as these meets are our main source of fundraising. Please remember that families are required to volunteer at HSA home meets in which that family has swimmer(s) participating. Volunteering at away meets is not required but is encouraged when volunteers are requested. Generally, families are asked to volunteer one session for a two-day meet OR two sessions for a three-day meet. However, an email will be sent out requesting additional help if necessary. Please remember that anyone can train in a position at any home meet.
Announcer: Several announcements need to be made throughout the course of the meet as well as calling all the swimmers to the blocks or bullpen. This needs to be a person with a very clear and loud speaking voice.
Awards: Awards are given to swimmers, generally 12 and Unders. This job includes getting bags to put the awards in and then, at the meet, placing the labels on the ribbons and medals and placing them in the appropriate team bag. This usually requires two or three people.
Clerk of Course: This job is to take drop and add forms for swimmers and enter them into the computer. This job requires reconciling fees for adds as well as reconciling each team’s entry fees. This person would need to have some knowledge of the software (Meet Manager) that is use to run meets. However, training can be done at meets for anyone who wants to learn to do this job.
Bullpen: HSA uses the bullpen for 8 and Unders only. Individuals are responsible for lining up the swimmers and taking them to the blocks for their races. Cards will be printed for each swimmer which will be placed in the card holder and then distributed to the swimmers when they are called to be lined up. Bleachers are used to seat the swimmers before taking them to the blocks.
Deck Marshal: This position is required by USA Swimming. This volunteer will watch the pool area, including the deck around the pool, to insure that all participants and spectators are acting in a safe manner. During the course of the meet, the warm-up lanes will be monitored by the deck marshal to ensure that the lanes are being used for swimming only. In addition, the Deck Marshall will ensure that the area behind the blocks is clear for 8 and Unders. The Deck Marshal will report to the Meet Director at the beginning of warm ups for further instructions.
Computer Operator/Timing Verification: HSA runs each meet with a computer program called Meet Manager. This position needs to be filled by someone familiar with the program. Those who are interested in learning this job are welcome to train at any of our home meets. This job includes pulling the times into the computer from the timing system, scoring events, and printing results. A supervisor will assist all operators each session to ensure that the meet is run properly and to troubleshoot any problems that arise.
Head Timer: This position is usually held by someone who has experience as a timer. This person runs two stopwatches for each race in case a timer’s watch fails on a race. If this occurs, the head timer will give one of his/her extra watches to the timer in order to have the necessary number of times for each race and swimmer.
Heat Winners: This person will give an award to the winner of each heat.
Hospitality: Two parents, one for each daily session, are needed to be the supervisors of this area and assist all other workers. The area is for the officials and coaches. We provide breakfast, lunch and snacks throughout the meet. The supervisors will purchase food and drink items, or arrange for food donations, and set up the hospitality area. Two other workers will be assisting in the hospitality area during each session. In addition, the workers will be providing waters to our timers and officials on deck. The workers in the last session of the meet will be responsible for break down at the end of the meet. We also provide water for our workers from this area.
Meet Director: This volunteer(s) is responsible for writing Meet Invitation, setting up the meet, purchasing awards, and many other tasks. This person will be present at the meet to insure that it is run within the guidelines set forth by USA Swimming and Southeastern Swimming.
Runner/Poster: The runner collects all the lane timer sheets from each lane after the completion of each EVENT and delivers them to the computer table. The poster will post all printed results of each race in the lobby in the designated areas.
Set-up: Approximately six parents are needed to help set up for the meet. Two parents are needed to set up the hospitality area. Two parents are needed for general set up of meet, such as organizing lane timer sheets, bull pen and relay labels, hanging signs, etc. Two parents are also needed in the concessions area. Set up will be done the day before the meet starts, however, if the meet starts on a Friday, set-up for concessions area will not happen until Friday around noon.
Storage: A few parents are needed to retrieve storage bins from HSA office several days before meet. In addition, a few parents are needed to return storage bins to HSA office a day or so after the meet. Heavy lifting is required. A large car or truck is helpful.
Stroke and Turn Judges: USA Swimming requires these positions at all its sanctioned meets. HSA needs many parents trained in these positions in order to run meets smoothly. In order to become an official, a person must pass an online test. Once test is passed, deck training is required. Anyone interested in becoming an official can find out the necessary information on the HSA website under Officials.
Timers: HSA can run meets with 8, 10 or 16 lanes. We need to have more timers than lanes that are used as relief timers are needed. The timers are responsible for operating the stopwatch and backup plunger connected to the timing system. The primary time for each swimmer will be the touchpad and we use the other two as backups. Each timer is to collect the time from the stopwatch and write it on the lane timer sheet for the swimmers. There is a timer’s meeting with the meet directors and an official before the start of each session.
Water Runner: A parent is needed to pick up donated water.