Rules and Regulations

2019 USA-S Rulebook: PDF

USA-S Code of Conduct: WEB

USA Swimming Rules and Regulations Page: WEB

Radio Use by Officials

The use of radios has become increasingly common on pool decks. Depending upon staffing levels, the configuration of the pool, and the level of the meet, radios might be used in a variety of fashions. It is important that radios be used properly to ensure accurate, efficient, and effective communication among officials.

HSA officials utilize radios on deck with three primary goals:

1) Improve information flow.
Radios provide for faster communication between lane officials, the referee and coaches.  Official's rulings can be adjudicated much more quickly, allowing the coach to receive the information and pass it along to the swimmer in a more timely manner.

2) Improve meet progress.
Radios will allow the deck referee to address potential infractions as they occur rather than dealing with a  stack of DQ slips which could delay the meet.

3) Official professionalism and progression.
Large pools, multi-pool venues and championship meet formats utilize radios out of necessity. Using radios at our home meets will better prepare HSA officials to work high profile events.

The HSA Official's Committee wants you to keep these things in mind as we introduce radios to our deck:

1) Do not talk on the radios when a heat is about to start (from whistle through takeoff and swim out to the flag)

2) Start each transmission with "event/heat/lane(s)"

3) Clearly state the infraction (but NOT the rule number, swimmer's name, etc.). Cut down on extraneous transmissions.

The USA-S radio etiquette guidelines are available here: PDF

USA Swimming Report of Occurrence Form

The Report of Occurrence is submitted any time there is an accident or injury during such USA Swimming activities as Sanctioned or Approved swim meets, swimming practices, contracted Swim-a-Thons or approved social events.

Meet Referees - The Report of Occurrence is now required to be submitted through an online form. You will receive an email confirmation with the data submitted for your records. The old paper copy is provided here to aid in gathering necessary information.

Online Report of Occurrence                                        Paper Report

Additional Resources

Southeastern Swimming Official's Page: WEB USA-S Applications and Forms: WEB
Order USA-S meet supplies: WEB Order USA-S Official's shirts: WEB