Simply follow the instructions below to complete the USA Swimming Safe Sport for Athletes Course.

How to take the Safe Sport for Athletes course.

  1. Sign in to your USA Swimming member account. (all athletes are members of USA Swimming. If you do not already have an account, create one by clicking here)
  2. Then go to and put your last name, first name and birthdate into the "member portal" section near the middle of the page and click "search".
  3. Just under the search button down you should see your name and club code (HSA). Click "continue" on the far right.
  4. On the next screen you will see your name. Click the box that says, "I verify that by checking this box I have permission from my parent to take this course," then click "go to learn."
  5. Complete the profile information on the next page and click "update". (Our LSC is Southeasterm Swimming. Your club is HSA.)
  6. Now, click the "Courses" tab in the upper right
  7. Scroll down and choose "Safe Sport for Athletes" and then click "add to cart".
  8. Click "checkout" [YOU WILL NOT BE BILLED ANYTHING]
  9. Add your billing information on the next screen [AGAIN, YOU WILL NOT BE BILLED ANYTHING], then click "next step"
  10. You will see a screen that says "Thank You!" Click the blue button that says, "Dashboard"
  11. On the next screen click "place order"
  12. You will then be taken to a page that shows the course. Click "start" on the Safe Sport for Swim Parents Square to begin the course.
  13. You will see a "Congratulations!" certificate when you have completed the course.