Certification Levels

There are 3 levels of officiating within USA-S:

N1: Local Swimming Committee (LSC) Level

The initial and most common level of official. Certified individuals are able to officiate at LSC level events within their home LSC and enjoy reciprocity when traveling to other LSCs.

Becoming an N1 official:

1. Join USA-S as a non-athlete member. There are 4 components:

Membership Application / Fee   USA Swimming Website Account   Background Check   Athlete Protection Education Course

             2. Pass an open-book Stroke and Turn qualification test through USASwimming.org

3. Attend a Stroke and Turn clinic. Clinics are commonly provided at meets. Check with a qualified HSA official for upcoming opportunities.

4. Serve as a Stroke and Turn Judge apprentice during six individual meet sessions with an experienced official  (one meet typically involves five sessions over three days).

N2: National Level

The first National level for a position – Recognizes that an official is experienced and has been evaluated as capable of working the position at Sectional, Zone, Grand Prix and similar higher profile meets.

N3: National Championship Level

The second National level for a position – Recognizes that an official has the experience, skills and knowledge to be considered for selection to work National Championship level meets in the evaluated position.

Information on National Level certifications can be found here: PDF

Official's Positions

What is involved in serving as a USA-S official in the various positions?  USA-S has prepared a series of documents covering best practices for the various deck positions. They are available at these links:

Wet Side:                                                                                 Dry Side:

Stroke and Turn Judge                                            Administrative Official

Chief Judge                                                             Administrative Referee 


Deck Referee

Meet Referee