Swimmers can join DART Swimming anytime during the year on a space-available basis. We have swim groups for all levels for children ages five and older - from novice through elite. Contact our team registrar at [email protected] for inquiries on joining. 

*Free Trial: Families interested in joining the DARTS are invited to try out the team for one week at no cost.  Contact [email protected].


Your email should include Child's or Children's:

- Name

- Age

- Swimming Experience

- Times achieved if applicable


*Please note - the week tryout is available only for DART sessions; it is not an option with our seasonal programs (Summer/Fall/Spring/Swim School). 



 We are pleased to offer electronic payment processing and registration. The process is simple for both new and returning members. You'll get access to your own private account that will enable you to easily declare for swim meets, sign up for jobs, see your children's swim times histories, maintain your own contact information, and more.

Before you begin, please contact the team manager at [email protected] to verify which swim group would be the best place for your swimmer.  Our swim fees are based on an eleven month billing system (no payment due in August)  and we do offer multi-swimmer discounts for families with 3 or more swimmers in our programs. We do not prorate fees for partial months.

Scholarships are available for all qualifiing familes.  Visit the Scholarship Page for application.
We look forward to having you join the Davis Aquadart Racing Team and are excited for another great season!


To register your child for DARTS Click Here