Dart Swimming will offer swimming for ages 18 months through teens at the Davis Community Pool this summer. Registration is now open. We offer 4 week sessions for all programs in June and July, and a 2 week session of Swim School in August.
Click here for info on Dart Swim School Spring Information. Click here for info on Dart Camp
You must set up a portal to register. DART has partnered with a new company, CAPTYN, to streamline our registration process. Click here for a PDF which includes instructions on how to set up your account, search for classes, and register for classes. We are offering many classes this summer and CAPTYN can assist you with filtering and searching for classes.
- If you have already created a portal for Dart Swim School or Dart Camp this spring, you can use the same portal to register for Summerdarts, Teendarts, and Dart Swim School Summer Programming.
- To set up your portal go to:
- To find classes, follow these prompts:
- Browse and register
- All department
- Summerdarts
- All tag
- All days of the week
A few important payment changes with CAPTYN:
You will pay for your classes at checkout via credit card so only sign your child(dren) up for one class per session. Third Child Discount: If you have 3 or more children enrolled in one of our DART programs you will pay the full cost of programming at checkout. We will then reimburse your account the discount after you complete registration. Email [email protected] if you have 3 or more children enrolled in DART programs to receive the discount. Payment Plans: If you need a payment plan, you must email [email protected] before registration opens on April 3 @ 7:00am!
Please contact Ashley with questions related to CAPTYN and registration: [email protected]
Please contact Director of Swim School Carolee Gregg with questions related to Swim School: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: if a class is full, we recommend you register for the waitlist. We add more classes from waitlists after registration fills. We will notify you if you receive a spot from the waitlist. You have 24 hours to accept the spot; after that time it will be offered to the next swimmer on the waitlist.
Dart Swim School Summer Options
NEW IN 2024! We are expanding our Dart Swim School programming for the summer, and will offer a full slate of swim lessons for ages 18 months to 10 years. We will offer 3 Swim School sessions:
- Session 1: June 10-July 3, offered on MW or TT (Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Blue, Green, and Purple).
- Session 2: July 8-Aug. 1, offered MW or TT (Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Blue, Green, and Purple)
- Session 3: Aug. 6-15, offered TWTH (Pink, Red, Blue, Purple, Pre Team)
Our former Minidart program for swimmers who are not ready or age-eligible for Summerdarts will now be offered through Dart Swim School for the summer. Instead of Minidarts, swimmers will be eligible for Green or Purple based on their skill/age level. Green and Purple are offered in the shallow pool. Skill levels are noted in colored charts below. Stronger swimmers age 6 and up who are currently in Swim School in Purple and Pre-Team should register for Summerdarts. Pre Team swimmers will either be in the shallow pool or in the deep pool, depending on age and skills.
Summerdart and Teendart Options
NEW: Summerdarts and Teendarts have a choice of a full 8-week session (June 10-July 31) OR 2x4 week sessions (June 10-July 3 and July 8-July 31). These programs for swimmers ages 6-teens from June 10-August 3. We are not able to accept further requests for switches from 8 to 4 weeks.
- Summerdart swimmers must be age six (by 6/1/24) through 12 who meet minimum swim skills.
- Teendarts is for swimmers entering 7th through 10th grade. The focus for both groups is fitness and fun as well as teaching and improving stroke technique. Swimmers should be able to comfortably swim 25 yards of freestyle and backstroke comfortably to join this group.
Summerdart and Teendart practices emphasize the introduction and improvement of stroke skills, water fitness, water games, and introduction to competition in a fun atmosphere. Practices are geared for swimmers of all ability levels, from novice to experienced. Practices are offered five days per week with no mandatory attendance requirements. Swimmers may attend 3 practices per week, selecting any 2 days Monday through Thursday (you can pick the days, they may vary by week, and you do not need to let us know of the chosen days). The third practice each week should be Friday. Swimmers must meet minimum skills levels (listed below). Swimmers not meeting skill levels may fit best in Dart Swim School.
Swimmers signing up for Summerdarts must meet minimum swim skills. To assess skills, we will do Swim Evaluations of all swimmers new to our program ages 12 and under, and to all returning swimmers ages 10 and under. These will be at Community Pool on May 11 and 18. Returning swimmers age 11 and up and Teendarts do not need to do evaluations but should be able to swim 25 yards of kick, freestyle and backstroke comfortably.
Who needs evaluations?
- All new swimmers ages 12 and under, excluding Teendarts.
- All returning swimmers ages 10 and under.
- Exceptions: The following swimmers DO NOT NEED evaluations: swimmers enrolled in 2024 Springdarts or Dart Swim School as we can assess their swim level at their spring sessions.
At Summerdart evaluations, swimmers must demonstrate the following skills to be eligible for Summerdarts:
· Kicking with board (20 yards unaided)
· Freestyle (ability to swim 20 yards, with breathing, unaided)
· Backstroke (ability to swim 20 yards, unaided)
· Bobs (rhythmic breathing)
· Comfort of swimming in all areas/depths of water
Swimmers age 7 and under who do not meet these levels can move to Dart Swim School classes that best fit their skill levels:
- Summerdarts and Teendarts are offered Monday through Friday for 50 minutes. Swimmers may attend up to 3 workouts per week, and can choose any two days M-T-W-TH, with the third day being Friday. Swimmers can vary their days MTWTH weekly, and do not need to let us know of their choices.
- Swim School classes are offered on either Mon/Wed or Tu/Th. The August Swim School session will be offered on Tu/We/Th for 2 weeks.
- Summerdarts and Teendarts:$415 for 8 weeks. $240 for 4 weeks. Fees include a shirt and swim cap.
- Swim School: $195 per 4 week session. You may sign up for 1 or both sessions. Swimmers new to Dart Swim School will receive a shirt.
- August Session: $160 (2 week session).
Other Fee Info:
- Once you have registered, no refunds will be made without a medical excuse, a doctor’s note and the coach’s permission. There is a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per swimmer per session should a refund be granted. Enrollment is nontransferable and cannot be prorated based on vacations or partial attendance. Refunds are not granted for swimmers not receiving desired swim practice time. We do not offer makeup sessions for illness or vacation. We do try to offer makeup sessions if possible due to cancelations for weather or pool issues but these are not guaranteed.
- Families enrolling three or more swimmers in any Dart programming from the same household qualify for a third swimmer discount (the first two swimmers pay full fees and all other siblings pay half fee). Third child discount is applied to the lowest registration fee.
- Scholarships and payment schedules are available upon request. Scholarship applications and information can be found at this link. Applications are due on May 1. If you are planning on applying for a scholarship or payment plan, you must notify [email protected] prior to registering; otherwise you will be charged the full fee at registration.
PRIVATE LESSONS: One-on-one coaching for 30-minute sessions will also be offered on at Community Pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00-2:30 or 2:30-3:00 pm in June and July. Cost per session is $40 per session.
- Optional Fun Meets will be offered on several Saturday mornings. These are for all levels in Summerdarts and Teendarts. We also offer races at these meets for Swim School participants in Red, Blue, Green, Purple and Pre-Team. Dates TBA.
- There will be the season-ending Davis City Championships on Th-Fr-Sat August 1-2-3 followed by an end-of-summer pool party open to all Dart families on Aug. 3.
- Other activities will be the annual Summerdart Design contest, Summerdart Sprintathon, Parent Night Out Pool Parties, July 4 Pool Party, and much more.
Carolee Gregg
Brad Winsor
Sydney Christian-Lichtenhan