CGBD Host Meet Volunteer Job Descriptions

It is very important to sign in at the Volunteer Check-in table when you get to the meet.   This way we know you have arrived and are ready to work.     

Lane Timers: There are two volunteers per lane. Timers watch for the starters signal to begin the heat (start your stop watch and ensure it is working) and watch for any part of the swimmers body to touch the wall at the finish to stop your stop watch and plunger (to be explained by lead USA Swimming Official).  In the event that your stop watch isn’t working, please raise your hand and the Head Timer will bring you a new one to finish timing the heat. (Please note that it will have already been started for you.) Then record the time on the clipboard next to the appropriate swimmer’s name.

Head Timer: The Head Timer will start two stop watches at the start of each heat.  Should a timer have a stop watch malfunction or miss the start of the race, they will raise their hand and the Head Timer will come to the rescue. 

 Runners :shuttle material (e.g., DQ slips, seed cards, results) from station to station during the meet. These workers are literally "runners" and would be perfect for Senior and Open swim groups volunteers.

Announcer:1 Announcer per session please. Meet Announcers should have a clear, pleasant voice and be able to function under pressure in the midst of a noisy crowd. A knowledgeable swim-parent with a pleasing "radio" voice and a willingness to help can be an invaluable asset as an announcer, but must be forewarned to remain impartial. An announcer will use the PA system to state the facts (i.e. event, heat, swimmer's names, etc.), not to commentate. Unnecessary comments or announcements merely add to the confusion at such meets. At Championship meets, however, a talented well-informed announcer can often add great excitement to the meet by providing background on the finals swimmers as they are introduced at the blocks and by providing comments during the swim about split times and potential records. 

Heat Sheet Sales: Sell the meet’s heat sheet program. Please note that this shift begins before the meet sessions start(during warm-up times).

Heat Winner Awards: You will hand out 1 award to the winner of each heat. In the event that it is too close to determine a defined winner of the heat, you will hand 1 award to both of the swimmers. 

Awards:  This person will assemble the awards/medals with proper swimmer name/place stickers provided by the meet officials and then sort by team.

Hospitality/Concessions Helpers: Responsible for ensuring that refreshments drinks(water, soda, coffee, juice)and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner options)are fresh and available to mee tofficials and coaches in the Head Lifeguard’s office (located behind the diving boards). You will also be responsible for making sure that water is readily available in self-service type containers at various places on the deck and water bottles are offered to those working on deck 1-2 times per meet session.  Concessions helpers will assist with sales of concessions items and restock supplies throughout the shift.

Safety Marshal: Uphold safety of all swimmers and meet guests. Please see the below VSI Marshal Job Description and Guidelines:

Thank you for serving as a Marshal in this swim meet. USA Swimming and Virginia Swimming, Inc., hold the safety of their swimmers as a top priority at any swim meet. You, as Marshal, are the primary enforcer of safety rules in the swimming pool area. You should report to the Meet Referee or Meet Director any safety concerns that are not quickly resolved by talking to a swimmer, coach, or parent. Your presence on deck, as Marshal, helps maintain the protection of USA Swimming insurance within the meet venue for the duration of the meet. Furthermore, your presence on deck will help readily identify any potential or actual safety issues, call attention to the swimmer, parent, or coaching staff who may be engaging in unsafe behavior in the pool area, and minimize the likelihood of an injury during the swim meet. 

Guidelines for the role of Marshal: 

1. The VSI Meet Safety Procedures outline the warm-up guidelines and address many safety items. 

 2. Arrive at the swim meet at least 15 minutes before warm-ups start. Report to the Meet Directors. They will issue you a colored vest or other identifying attire, for the purpose of official designation for spectators and swimmers. Please wear this attire throughout your Marshal duty at the swim meet. The Virginia Swimming Policy (Section P) on Marshals, states that “a minimum of two Marshals will be present at VSI sanctioned meets. They will be responsible to the Meet Referee(s) and the Meet Director and perform duties as outlined in USA Swimming Rules and Regulations

3. During all warm-ups swimmers should enter the pool at the starting end only. Entry at the turn end is prohibited.

4. During general warm-ups, ensure that: a. Swimmers enter the pool feet first. b. Diving is not permitted from the blocks or off the edge of the pool. c. No sprinting or pace work is permitted during general warm-ups. d. Only circle swimming (e.g. down pool in right part of lane, turn at end, then swim back in right side of lane) is permitted.

5. For specific warm-ups: a. Pace lanes: Push off for one or two lengths of pool from starting end, with circle swimming only. Racing or diving starts are not permitted. b. Sprint lanes: Forward racing starts may be done off the blocks, with coach supervision. Backstroke starts may be done in the water, but no swimmer is permitted on the block until the backstroker has left the starting area. Swimming is in one direction only, and the swimmer must exit at the turn end of the pool. 

6. During the meet, observe the pool deck and the area around the starting blocks. Keep the area clear where the swimmers and the officials need to walk. Typical areas to keep clear are the deck space between the clerk of the course and the blocks, the sides of the pool between the start and the turn end, the space around the starter/ referee station, and the space behind the starting blocks. 

7. If there is a general warm-down pool that is used during competition, it must be observed at all times. General warm-up procedures with circle swimming is permitted. No diving is permitted. Intentional splashing, water games, and other in-water activities are not permitted in warm-down pool during the swim meet. 

8. Check in the locker rooms and bathrooms. If there is any inappropriate or unsafe behavior in the locker room, ask the individuals to stop it immediately and notify the Meet Referee or Meet Director if the behavior does not cease at once. 

9. No shaving is permitted anywhere in this venue. If shaving is observed, the individuals should be brought to the attention of the Meet Referee or MeetDirector as this is usually grounds for removal from the meet. Obtain the name of the child, if possible.

10. If you observe an injury in the swimming pool venue, make sure that an adult stays with the injured person. Notify the Meet Referee or Meet Director at once of any injuries. You may be asked to assist with the completion of the accident report. (NOTE: First aid is the responsibility of the facility personnel. They are paid to perform this service, and you are not.) 

11. The Marshal has the full authority to provide a warning or order inappropriate behavior to cease and desist, and with the agreement of the Meet Referee, to have removed from the swimming venue any person who behaves in an unsafe manner and/or whose actions disrupt the orderly conduct of the meet.  

12. If you observe any behavior that is or may be illegal (possession of items that may be construed as weapons, adults showing an unusual interest in children, etc.) notify the Meet Referee or Meet Director at once. To remain in an area so that you can continue monitoring the individual (s), you may need to send someone else with a message. The Meet Referee and / or Meet Director, in consultation with facility personnel, will contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities, if necessary. DO NOT INTERJECT yourself into a potentially dangerous situation.  

13. Know where the exit doors, first aid station, and flashlights are located. Know where the General Facility Rules are posted.

14. As a Marshal, you should be present throughout the conduct of the session, from beginning of warm-ups to the completion of warm-downs at the end of the session. With two Marshals on deck, one Marshal should remain on the swimming pool deck attending to any behavior issues, while the other Marshal makes walking rounds through the venue, checking the bathrooms and locker rooms, adjacent gym or other gathering room(s), and any other spaces associated with the swimming pool venue. 

15. When you take a break (and you will need one!!), make sure the other Marshal is aware of this and that she/he is in a position to cover you. Drink plenty of water, and do partake of the Host Team’s Hospitality Room snacks. Again, THANK YOU for serving as Marshal!