Fundraising Commitments

Fundraising is another critical component for the successful operation of SSSSC. SSSSC relies on income raised through our fundraising campaigns to keep our program fees at a reasonable level. Organized fundraising events sponsored by SSSSC are as follows (but not limited to):

Bottle Drive - each SSSSC family is required to participate in one Bottle Drive per season; date TBD. If this Fundraising commitment isn't met your Credit Card will be charged $200 for competitive families and $100 for Non-competitive families.

Each SSSSC family is required to participate in one WINTER and one SPRING fundraiser; dates TBD. If these Fundraising commitment aren't met your Credit Card will be charged $200/fundraiser for competitive families and $100/fundraiser for Non-competitive families.

Swim-A-Thon - Each SSSSC swimmer is required to raise funds through donations for our Swim-A-Thon which takes place in the spring.

Online 50/50 Raffle - Each SSSSC swimmer is required to raise funds by selling online tickets for our Online 50/50 Raffle.

MANDATORY CASINO - December 19 & 20, 2023. All swim families must send a parent or person over 18 to volunteer at the Casino. Depending on the number of volunteers required, each family will volunteer for at least 1 night, but we may need all families both nights. 

*Having at least ONE competitive swimmer deems you a competitive family