As a parent, your main responsibility is to provide a stable, loving and supportive environment. This will encourage your child to progress in their athletic endeavors. Show your interest by ensuring that your child attends practices and by coming to their meets.

Parents are not participants on their child’s team, but directly contribute to the success that their child experiences in the team atmosphere. Parents are to serve as role models as many children often emulate their attitudes. It is important to be aware of this and to show good sportsmanship at all times towards coaches, officials, opponents and teammates.

** see SSSSC Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy for full details


Be Enthusiastic and Supportive

Realize that your child is the one competing. Children need to establish their own set of goals and to strive to make their progress towards them. Be careful not to impose your own set of standards upon your swimmer. Do not overburden your child with unreasonable expectations when it comes to winning or achieving their best times. A healthy environment encourages learning and fun, which will go a long way in developing a positive self-image within your child.


Let the Coach “Coach”

The best way to help a child achieve his/her goals and reduce the natural fear of failure is through positive reinforcement. No one likes to make a mistake and if your child does make one, remember that he/she is still learning. Encourage their efforts and point out the things they did well. If you need to meet or talk with a coach, please make an appointment prior or after the conclusion of practice. There will not be any parent(s) permitted on deck during practice time. This allows the coaches to gear their attention towards the swimmers without distraction.


Be Punctual

As in all sports there is an expectation for your child to attend practices, team meetings, competitions and special events. The coach wants your child to enjoy the experience of swimming as much as possible.  The coach also has a responsibility to look out for the team as a whole. Being punctual is an integral part of getting the most out of allotted pool times and ensuring arrival commitments are kept, so that events go as scheduled. Being late is inconsiderate and disruptive to the team environment. If your child is going to be late or miss a scheduled function, you must let the coach know.


Be Involved

It is imperative that you do get involved in various aspects of the club. The organization simply cannot function without the dedication of its members to the club itself and to our athletes. You can do this by attending General Meetings to keep yourself apprised of the club’s affairs. You may also have an expertise that would be of great assistance in some area of the club’s operation.

This club is like any other non-profit organization-it relies on the enthusiasm, commitment and on-going support of its volunteers. In order to provide the coaching and swimming experiences our children need to be successful, we as volunteers must assist in any way we can for our athletes to achieve their goals.


Help Create A Positive Environment

Refrain from gossiping. If you have a question or concern, please direct your inquiry to your child’s coach or a board member. Treat coaches, parent volunteers and other club members with the respect they deserve. They are all working with your child’s best interest in mind. Please follow through on commitments, realizing that everyone will be called upon to do their share.


Respect Pool and Club Rules

Do keep your swimmer out of the water when ill or if your child has sustained an injury in deference to pool rules. The pool is a perfect breeding ground for the spread of communicable viruses to be passed!

Those children that are attending practice but are incapable of getting into the water because of an injury are not allowed on deck unless they have express permission from the Head Coach to do so.