Please read the following, as it will answer any questions you may have regarding Minnows. 

What is Minnows? It's our introductory program to the Strathmore Sharks Swim Club! It's geared toward younger kids who are just "getting their swim fins"! 

Minnows is reserved for younger kids who may not have the confidence or strength to swim multiple laps in the pool. It's an amazing starter program to competitive swim, and they learn many of the strengths necessary for the Strathmore Sharks. 

Are there any prerequisites? Yes. Your child must be able to pass the lifeguard test at the Strathmore Aquatic Center to join the Minnows. To pass this test, your kiddo must be able to swim the 25m length of the pool unassisted- without touching the wall or floor, and with no flotation devices. 

Our Minnows swim twice a week for a half hour and our fees can be found here

Still have Questions? Contact r[email protected]