An observed meet is one conducted under other than USA Swimming technical rules (e.g., high school, etc.). A request must be made to SI Swimming for observation of such meets within its jurisdiction.
The SI Officials Chairman selects official(s), with the advice of the High School Representative, to observe the meets. The SI Technical Chair approves meets for observation. The Meet Referee certifies the times. The meet shall be on the year’s published swim calendar. High school dual meets are not eligible for observations or proof of times certification. Time trials held in conjunction with a season-ending championship may be observed if it officiated to the same standard as the championship meet. Time trials at other observed meets (non-championship) shall not be observed for verification purposes
All meets leading directly up to a season-culminating high school shall receive blanket observation (i.e. all swims will be observed without prior request) provided the Request for Observation is submitted on Form B at least 10 days prior to the meet. If the submission is less than 10 days, every effort will be made to observe the meet but observation is not guaranteed.
After the meet, the San Diego Imperial NTV Chair will be sent the following:
- Printed and electronic file (USA Swimming SDIF format) of complete meet results;
- Heat sheets signed by the meet referee on which USA Swimming Disqualifications are recorded.