KENTUCKY SWIMMING - PO Box 163 - Wilmore, KY 40390 - (859) 539-9091
Need Help or have a question, contact the Kentucky Swimming office at [email protected]


The education, instruction and training of individuals to develop
and improve their capabilities in the sport of swimming.
To provide a safe and healthy environment, encompassing all backgrounds and abilities that create a tradition of excellence in the sport of swimming.


Transfer Request for Athletes & Non-Athletes

203.3 For a swimmer to represent a USA Swimming club in a competitive event, sixty (60) consecutive days must have elapsed without the swimmer having represented any other USA Swimming club in USA Swimming competition. (An athlete may practice with another club at any time and does not have to wait 60 days.)

This 60-day rule does not apply to representation in closed competition even if it is sanctioned or approved by the LSC.

 A swimmer may unattach at any time, may enter any meet as unattached, or change to unattached at any time during a meet.

 As soon as you are aware of a pending relocation, consider changing the swimmer to unattached status to initiate the 60-day waiting period by submitting a completed transfer form to your current LSC.

 When using meet management software to enter the swimmer in a meet, be aware of the acceptable unattached codes in your meet software so that the athlete is properly entered into the meet as UN.
(The only official designation for unattached is UN.)

Parents can request a transfer through their USAS account.

  1. Select swimmer's General Info link
  2. Click on the Transfer button.
  3. Initiate transfer.