All people associated with the Aquajets Swim Team are expected to act with sportsmanship, dignity, and respect for others at all times - at practices and meets, in locker rooms, etc. This pertains to all members of the Aquajets' family, including coaches, swimmersparents, staff, and officials. 
Click here for the University of Minnesota code of conduct, which applies to swim meets at the Jean Freeman Aquatic Center.
Poor sportsmanship includes:
  • Taunting, arguing, or disrespectful behavior with coaches, officials, teammates, parents, opponents, or spectators
  • Using threatening or profane language
  • Baiting, bullying, or bigotry toward coaches, officials, parents, teammates, opponents, or spectators
  • Uncontrolled behavior on the deck and in spectator areas
Aquajets has a Three Strike Policy with regard to violations of the Aquajets’ Code of Conduct.  The following consequences will be enforced by the Head Coach and Board of Directors:
1st Strike: The lead coach for the swimmer’s group will talk to the swimmer about their behavior and provide them with their first warning. The coach will also send the swimmer’s parent(s) an email informing them of the situation;
2nd Strike: If the behavior continues, the swimmer’s lead group coach will set up a meeting with the swimmer and their parent(s) to discuss the behavior and provide them with their second warning;
3rd Strike: The swimmer’s lead group coach, the Head Coach, and a Board member will have a meeting with the swimmer and their parent(s). At this time, dismissal from the team will be discussed.
NOTE: Immediate dismissal from a meet or the Aquajets' team may be a consequence of any one of the above offenses. 
Updated 12.1.2022