Saturday January 26     Age Group Gold/Silver 5:30 – 6:30 swim and 6:45 – 7:30 dryland

Saturday January 26     Age Group Bronze/Blue 6:30 – 7:30 swim and 7:45 – 8:30 dryland

Thursday January 31    SrGold/SrSilver/AGSilver (non-WOSA Champs) swim 5:30-7:30am CGAC

Thursday January 31    NO CGAC pm workouts due to WOSA Championships

Friday February 1         NO CGAC workouts due to WOSA Championships

Saturday February 2     NO CGAC workouts due to WOSA Championships

Saturday February 2     AGOrange + Dev1 6:30-7:30am, Dev2 7:30-8:30am, Intro 8:30-9:15am (all at CHOCC)

Sunday February 3       NO Development 2 workout due to WOSA Championships



Looks like there was lots of great racing last weekend at both the 12&Under Celebration and the 13&Over Time Trial, and there was some great racing as well at the Toronto Grand Prix for our Senior Gold swimmers. Well done everyone, and special CONGRATULATIONS to first-time Provincial (Festival) qualifiers Jackson Cooke, Xavier Look-Hong and David Maar; and to first-time Regional (WOSA) Championship qualifiers Hannah Burns and Ning Ding.

Here's some advice from Olivier Poirier-Leroy on how to beat that tough set your coach just wrote on the board!

As 2019 looms ahead, so with it comes more of those sets. You know, the ones that make you cringe a little bit in your Speedo. The ones where you cannot swim warm-up slowly enough. Where excuses and reasons to get out early tantalize and tease you – I have too much homework… My shoulder is starting to act up… My goggles are on the verge of snapping…But what do you do? You troop it out. You suffer through the pain and exhaustion because you know at the end of it there awaits a tougher, faster swimmer. And being that swimmer is what it is all about. Here are 3 ways to soldier through those tough sets like a boss this winter:

Just. One. More.  How many times have you pulled up to the wall, looked at the clock, with the second hand speeding towards your departure interval, gasping for air, muscles already aching, and felt the weight of a realization that you still have 15 more reps to be completed? You’re not alone. Focus on simply doing the next rep instead of getting lost in the mountain of work ahead of you. A simple way to put this line of thinking into practice is to recommit yourself to “just one more!” each time you cruise into the wall.

Be technique driven. Get your mind off of the difficulty of the set by focusing on the details of your stroke and technique. Divert your attention from the exhausting nature of the set towards having a perfect catch each time. Nailing your turns. Snapping your feet together at the end each kick.

Have a tough set mantra. Similar to the way that a good song can keep our mind off of the struggle, having a mantra can come in handy to keep you focused on punching that tough set square in the nose. Unleash your mantra when your struggle is at its peak – using it overzealously during warm-up, drill sets, and when you are in the hot tub afterwards will water down its effect. In this way it will act as a trigger or a cue for you to plow through. Here are some sample mantras to throw at the next big set that comes your way: I am going to crush this. I am the boss of my swimming. Nobody works harder than me. Bring it on! I will never be outworked.



Almost all of the 150 ticket booklets for the Detroit Red Wings - Montreal Canadiens hockey package have been taken, and we're hoping this means almost all of them have been sold! The final draw is going to be on the Saturday night of Regionals, but all tickets need to be sold with cash collected by Jan. 27 so we have less than a week to take advantage of this tremendous fundraising opportunity. Swimmers, if you have a brother or sister who plays hockey, take a booklet to the will sell your tickets in 5 minutes! There are many, many Detroit Red Wings fans in London, Ontario!  If you need more tickets...excellent! and please contact Craig at [email protected].  Completed books and collected cash can be given to Craig or Donna, or simply dropped in the LAC mailbox in the foyer at CGAC. 

Remember there will be prizes for the top ten ticket sellers!



Next order date is Feb 1. Order forms can be found on the LAC website under “swimmer equipment”. Please place completed forms and cheque (or send an etransfer to [email protected]) in the LAC mailbox at CGAC located in the front lobby just inside the entry doors on the wall leading into the administration offices.



Any concerns please email Donna - [email protected].



12 & Under Celebration and 13 & Over January Time Trial:  Thanks and congratulations to Denise McDonald, our competition coordinator, and our Meet Managers Steve Baarda, Ian Skilling, and Lisa Campbell on a job very well done.  Thank you also to everyone who volunteered in some way to achieve the success this weekend.   

Senior Officials Needed - WOSA Short Course Championship –January 31 to February 3, 2019 - If you would like to be a senior official at the WOSA SC Champs that we are hosting this year then please email me with “WOSA” or “Regional” in the subject.  In the body of the email include the sessions and positions that you would like to work.  I need to hear from you now if you are willing to help!  By the time you read this you should also have received an email sent to the region’s officials looking for help.    

Timers and Strokes  & Turns Officials Needed - WOSA Short Course Championship –January 31 to February 3, 2019 – please see the Sign-ups for officials on the LAC website.  We could not run any session except the finals wit how many are currently signed up.

Official Clinics – New clinics have been scheduled and sign-ups have been posted on the LAC web site.  An email was sent last week to the membership with much more detail.  If you did not get the email then check your spam folder.  One Session credit will be given to those taking a clinic for the first time.

Official Registration – As people take clinics, they will need to be registered as an official with Swimming Canada.  We do the initial set up based on the clinic registration information.  When that is done an email will be sent to each newly registered official from [email protected]  In this email are instructions on how to validate and update your account.  Until you do this we cannot register you as an official.  For the 4th of 5th time, we have tried to register a group of  20 or so officials.  Please check your email and spam folders and follow these instructions.

If you have any officiating questions please contact me, Mark Lukings L.A.C. Co-Club Officials Chair at [email protected]







 Sign-up Deadline

 Jan 31-Feb 3

 WOSA SC Champs



 Jan 17

 Feb 16-17

 ON Winter Festivals



 Feb 3

 Feb 28-Mar 3

 ON Spring Champs



 Feb 15

 Mar 7-10

 ON Spring Youth-Jr



 Feb 21




Club hosted meets help to reduce membership fees by 20-25% as well as reducing travel costs by attending fewer out-of-town meets. To ensure the Club has sufficient resources to host meets, most LAC swim families are required to work a minimum of 22 sessionsduring club hosted meets (please see below for exceptions). These sessions may be worked through officiating or working at the club’s food canteen, awards or other positions. Any unfulfilled session credits will be billed at a rate of $40.00 per session to the swim family’s Swimmer Account at the end of the season. Please note that this is not meant to be a “fundraiser” but rather an incentive to participate in the running of home meets. Swim families may receive up to 5 donated session credits from another club family to complete their credits, however any more than the 5 donated session credits must be approved by the board. Session commitments are waived for first year swim families with no prior competitive swim club affiliation, as well as for introductory and post-secondary students training full time with the club and for varsity swimmers, although assistance during swim meets from these groups is greatly appreciated.  First year families ARE required to fulfill the LAC orientation program. This includes participating in an Introductory to Swimming clinic during the swim season and a follow up “on-deck” mentoring session.

*** Families of Development swimmers who are not in their first year of competitive swimming who do not have a swimmer in another level are required to fulfill only 11 of the assigned session credits.***

*The number of session credits will be reviewed by the board in the fall upon club enrollment and may be subject to change.

The Session Credit Policies are posted under the “Parent Info" tab On the LAC website.



Instructions for ordering swim equipment can be found on the LAC website under “Swimmer Equipment” tab. Also found on the website is the TAS shark card, you will need this card when purchasing Team Aquatic Supplies merchandise at swim meets or in their stores. Equipment requirements for each group are also listed.

If you have any equipment questions please contact [email protected]



The 2018-2019 Shark Card is now available on the LAC website under the “swim equipment” tab. This offers a 15% discount off all regular priced goods. You MUST have this card with you at the time of purchase. Either as a pdf saved on your phone or a printed hard copy. The new online coupon code is listed on the cards as well this year. This code will be valid on the new website/webstore which is in the process of being launched. It offers a 15% discount on all regular priced goods listed on the site/store.



Information for the newsletter should be emailed to [email protected]  by 10 am Monday mornings.