Spaces are limited! All swimmers must tryout before joining. For more information about our groups, please contact Coach Adam at [email protected]




Foundational Programs


Our Foundation Programs are designed to provide structured training and to help athletes build baseline from wherever they are. Perfect if you are new to swimming, coming back from an extended break, or have the desire to establish a highly structured training phase.



  Junior introduces the athlete to the world of competitive swimming. This is where athletes lay the foundation for his or her swimming career.  This process occurs in three progressive phases as the swimmer develops the most basic movements needed for competitive swimming. 




Junior I: Kinesthetic Awareness



Our goal is to nurture young athletes as they embark on their swimming journey, focusing on mastering the fundamental skills crucial for excelling in freestyle and backstroke. In this dynamic program, athletes will immerse themselves in the aquatic realm, honing their abilities and cultivating a profound connection with the water.

The cornerstone of Junior I is the development of foundational techniques, instilling in athletes a deep understanding of body control, leg propulsion, and fluid movement patterns. Through expert guidance and supportive coaching, athletes will gain a tactile "feel" for the water, fostering a sense of confidence and agility in their strokes.

As athletes progress, they will experience a symbiotic relationship between physical growth and emotional maturity, each milestone reflecting their evolving capabilities and inner resilience. With each stroke perfected, athletes will transition seamlessly to the next level, equipped with the essential skills to tackle new challenges.

By the culmination of this phase, athletes will demonstrate proficiency in the basics of freestyle and backstroke, poised and prepared to embark on the next chapter of their swimming journey. With a solid foundation beneath them, they will dive into advanced training with vigor and determination. Join us in shaping the champions of tomorrow, one stroke at a time!


Entry: Athletes must be able to swim 1 length of the pool uninterrupted.

Training Expectations:  Athletes must be able to attend 85% of all swim practices and clinics. 

Days: M/W/F 4-4:30pm

Cost: $65 per month


Junior II: Motor Pattern Development




The Primary objective for the Junior II group is to reinforce the skills developed while in the Junior I group through increased training intensity and time spent on each skill. This allows the athlete to build and expand the foundation they need for future performances and ensure proper motor pattern development. The key is consistency.

Junior II swimmers become more exposed to competitive swimming as they are introduced to diving and the short axis strokes (fly and breast). Training sessions increase by 30 min in order to develop these complex movements while still reinforcing the skills they have developed while in the Junior I group.

Skills in this group are obtained through constant and rigorous training.  Competition is encouraged as Junior II athletes are expected to compete in 6 meets a year. Athletes are able to dive and perform all strokes legally before progressing to the Junior III swim group.

Training Content:

  • Legal perform Fly, Back and Freestyle strokes
  • Legal turns and finishes
  • Dive off block correctly
  • Correct head position while breathing
  • Head position in back underwater streamline
  • Hand grab in streamline
  • Intro to swimming posture
  • Intro to proper flip turns and touch turns
  • Sets that consist of 25-100 yards

Entry: Athletes must be able to demonstrate training content in J1.

Age: 12 and Under

Training Expectations: Ability to attend 85% of all swim practices and clinics while successfully demonstrating the following drills and skills.

Days: T/TH 4-5:00pm

Cost: $85 per month


Junior III: Technical Development



Junior III is the final phase of the Junior program. The physical demands of training take center stage as volume and intensity increase with greater frequeny. Wall transitions are taught daily while a greater amount of time and effort is placed in developing the short axis strokes (Breast and Fly). Technique work and attention to detail is essential for this group as more time is spent on preparing for competition. 

Junior III swimmers are also encouraged to compete in 6 meets a year.

Entry: Athletes must be able to successfully demonstrate training content in J2.

Age: 12 and Under

Training Expectations: Ability to attend 85% of all swim practices and clinics while successfully demonstrating the following drills and skills.

Days: MWF 4-5:30pm

Training Content:

  • Stroke temp and proper stroke rhythms
  • Drill work to emphasize DPS
  • Kicking through long axis strokes
  • No pulling while breathing in freestyle
  • Proficient in flip turns
  • Proficient in touch turns


Cost: $100 per month


High performance programs for advanced athletes chasing specific goals.






Senior: Learning to Achieve



Focus, Effort, Encouragement, Technique.

Senior swimmers at this level are met with greater training demands as they are required to train 5 days a week for 1.5 hours each session while completing dry-land training sessions. These athletes may be competing in additional sports outside of LSAC but make appropriate sacrifices to be a dual sport athlete.

Senior swimmers work on much more advanced components of competitive swimming.

  • Personal Accountability: Sacrifice, commitment, work ethic, focus, and delayed gratification
  • Dryland/Strength training
  • Understanding how to train and how to race
  • Appropriate goal setting

Training sessions becomemore complex and designed to push athletes towards TAGS and STAGS level competition. Practices become much more cerebral as the athletes experience enhanced proprioception and training sessions are made to meet the needs of the group as a whole but also to maximize personal stroke development.


M-F: 5-7:00pm



  • Athlete must be able to successfully demonstrate all training content in the Junior programs.
  • Participate in competitions during his Junior tenure
  • Shows a positive attitude towards the correlation between working hard and success
  • Athletes and parents understand and are willing to make appropriate sacrifices as members of the senior group.

Training Expectaions:

  • Athletes are expected to be attentive and curious as they learn how to manipulate their body as a means to swim faster
  • Learning how to train stroke mechanics and muscle memory to last for the duration of races.
  • Attendance—Athletes need to be present. As swimmers mature within the sport the delay between hard work, the reward, and delayed gratification only grows larger. Missing practice time will upend the reward and often leaves an athlete feeling like they are not improving at championship meets.
  • Learning to hold the self-accountable and teammates accountable

Meet Expectations:

  • To swim in events relative to the practice focus
  • Using the concept of “silver linings” in reference to unfavorable performances
  • Attend Championship Meets


Cost: $130 per month



Elite: Mastery of Sport



The Elite Swim Program is not a cozy place. The Elite program is a grind. Elite athletes are here to test themselves and embrace the rigorous and concentrated level of training needed for National level performance.

Athletes are challenged to think and train on another level. Goal setting becomes primary as athletes reaching this level have made the full-time commitment to their swim careers, teammates, and coaches. This is the highest level of training Lone Star Aquatic Club has to offer.

Elite athletes are attentive, respectful, and loyal in their interactions with their teammates, coaches, and competitors. They are extremely receptive to their coaches; effective in developing multiple skills and combining them in creative ways resulting in quick stroke adjustments and developments. Athletes are focused, precise, and cunning when training and in meet preparation as they master skills and maximize their talents. They also recognize when it is time to relax and have fun. They make appropriate sacrifices, communications, and commitments to their teammates and coaches with maturity and clarity.



MWF - 6:30-8:30pm

TTH - 7:00-9:00pm Swim


  • Comfortable and willing to make the high levels of commitments, demands, and sacrifices that come with being in the Elite Group
  • Completes Senior Group expectations in a manner that indicate a high level of aptitude on par with the Elite Group athletes
  • Ready to take on the role of being a leader and positive role model to Jr and Senior level swimmers within Lone Star Aquatic Club
  • Know and are aware of their own PRs and relative Championship Meet time standards
  • Age 13+

Training Expectations:

  • Attend 85% of swim practices every week and clinics
  • Demonstrate skills and drills needed for State and National level performance
  • Elevate, support, encourage, and recognize teammates for their efforts and achievements

Meet Expectations

  • Swim in events relative to practice focus
  • Execute race strategies and objectives
  • Attend championship meets

Cost: $150 per month