Performance Partnership


When it comes to performance, it takes three people to swim perform: 

1. A talented, committed, hardworking and dedicated swimmer.

2. A passionate, experienced, innovative, engaging and enthusiastic coach. 

3. A supportive, loving, caring and believing parent. 


These three people – these “partners” - each play an important role in helping the swimmer to achieve swimming performance success. As partners in the swimmer’s performance, each person – the swimmer, the coach and the parent has a role to play and a clear set of responsibilities to ensure they perform their role to the best of their ability. 

The Key to a well-balanced partnership: Understanding each other’s roles.


Swimmer's Roles:

1. Ownership and Commitment: The swimmer is responsible for their own performance and success. This includes setting personal goals and putting in the necessary effort. Swimmers must take ownership over their performance (goals) as well as their motivation (why.) They are the one’s doing the work, setting personal goals, etc. The actual performance is largely the result of the talent, commitment, passion, drive and determination of the swimmer.

2. Core Values: It is the swimmer's duty to embrace core values such as integrity, respect, and excellence, which serve as the foundation for optimal performance.

3. Teamwork: Recognize that swimming is a team sport, and each athlete has a duty to be supportive and encouraging to teammates.

Coach's Role:

1. Inspiration: Coaches aim to inspire athletes in a healthy and supportive environment. In doing so, the coach is able to foster development through constant feedback on goals.

2. Personal Development: While swimming fast is fun, the primary goal is to develop the athlete as a person. Coaches challenge swimmers to develop a vision for their future. This is how athletes in turn build the mental fortitude needed to be successful in life.

3. Guidance and Support: Coaches serve as positive influences and enablers, providing structure, feedback, education, and support. They mentally stimulate athletes and encourage creativity in goal attainment. 

4. Honesty and Communication: Maintain honest communication with swimmers, keeping it as straightforward as possible. Coaches challenge swimmers to push beyond their boundaries.

Parents's Role:

1. Building Trust: Parents play a crucial role in developing trust through continual communication and a firm understanding of each other's roles.

2. Values Development: Help the child develop values like integrity, humility, respect, courage, discipline, and excellence.

3. Unconditional Love: Love the child unconditionally and provide support, care, and love. Avoid making excuses for the child's performance.  Afterall your child is more than just a number. Recognize that each child is unique, avoiding comparisons with others. Allow the coach to do their job and encourage independence in the child.

4. Teaching Responsibility: Teach the child time management skills, independence, responsibility for their behavior, and the importance of honesty and accountability.

5. Perseverance and Goal Setting: Encourage the child to persevere, never giving up, and to set and strive for their goals without compromise.

By understanding and fulfilling these roles, the three partners contribute to the holistic development of the swimmer, both in their athletic performance and personal growth. The emphasis on communication, trust, and individualized support underscores the collaborative effort required for the athlete to achieve their full potential.