*2024 Summer Registration

New Swimmer Evaluation

New swimmer evaluations are required for all swimmers that are not transferring from another USA Swimming Club.  Each evaluation will take 10-15 minutes to complete.  Email Head Coach Michael White to schedule an evaluation.

Important Dates

Monday, May 13th --Preferred Registration for board members, officials, and committee chairs

Tuesday, May 14th -- Registration opens for returning families

Friday, May 17th -- Registration opens for new families

Monday, May 28th -- First Day of Summer Session

Sunday, July 14th -- Last Day for Non-Regional Swimmers

Sunday, July 21st -- Last Day for Non-State Swimmers

Training Groups & Practice Schedule

Find information on each training group including schedules, lead coaches, necessary equipment here.


Competition Schedule

The meet schedule can be found here.

USA Registration

For those not registered for Storm yet, they'll be eligible to register for a seasonal membership at a lower cost than the full time membership, which will cover through the end of the summer.

Session Fees

Group Fee
Thunderstorm (1 & 2 Combined) $225*
Tropical Storm $240*
Cyclone $265*
Hurricane $250*
Tsunami $265*
Typhoon $320*
Senior/Performance $400*
College Swimmers $150
Masters $100

*Swimmers participating in Storm's summer session in addition to summer league will get 10% of their summer session fees credited back to their account.

Session fees can be paid either as one lump sum at the beginning of the session or split in half.

Multi-Swimmer Discount




5% Off


7.5% Off

4th and beyond

10% Off

Meet Fees

All meet fees will be billed through the website and paid through your credit/debit cards along with any other charges you may occur.  If you do not want to put a credit card in the system you will have to deposit $50 by check in your account to help cover meet fees.  Families with an account 90+ days overdue account will be unable to declare their swimmers for competition.