Strategies for 2023-2024


"Continuing in a Tradition of Excellence in a Positive and Confidence Building Environment"
Improve communications

* Update and maintain the website
* Maintain e-mail list
* Electronic newsletters
* Composite calendar


Build a competitive calendar and quality of meets

* Train and mentor meet personnel
* Conduct 3 meets annually
* Team representation at Spring and Summer Nationals
* Team representation at FINA World Games


Promote USMS fitness events to members and the community

* Newsletter articles, releases, and communications to
members, community groups, and local businesses


Improve workout quality and structure * Provide a wide variety of workouts to
meet the needs of all levels, abilities, and ages.
Promote education for swimmers and coaches

* Articles on rules and stroke
* Articles on fitness topics
* Develop and implement swim clinics
* Coach attended ASCA and USMS conventions


Promote safety education * Information for local groups
* Promotion of "safety week" to include goals and events for safety education
* Attend local community events
Promote Masters swimming in the Saddleback and Mission Viejo areas.

Attract and acquire younger and senior age group members

* Outreach to local business
* Use of USMS brochures
* Visit local service groups to attract and acquire younger and speak on fitness senior age group members
* Outreach to local Triathlon clubs
* Promote fitness events
* maintain to date list of pool sand pool managers


Develop Nationally ranked swimmers to compete at the national level * Team exposure via the website, media press, and fulfillment of the above objectives and strategies.