Mission Viejo Nadadores Masters 


"Continuing in a Tradition of Excellence in a Positive and Confidence Building Environment"
To promote adult fitness and health by offering a year-round fitness/competitive swimming program for all levels and abilities in
   a positive and inclusive environment for all.
Vision Statement:
Mission Viejo Nadadores Masters will be the premier club for adult aquatic fitness and competition in the United States and will make fitness and competition through swimming available for as many adults as possible.
1.  We value HEALTH and FITNESS, constantly challenging ourselves to achieve, in competition, and in accomplishing our own goals.
2.  We value RESPECT for our teammates, competitors, coaches, and volunteers.
3.  We value FUN, enjoying camaraderie with our fellow swimmers, and embracing swimming as a joyful and satisfying avocation. 
3.  We value LEARNING through coaching and communication. 
4.  We value EXCELLENCE in safety, education, innovation, and performance