Meet Information

The greatest thing about Mission Viejo Nadadores Masters swimming is that we all can choose our own level of involvement. We all can strive to meet our individual needs in a variety of ways. There are Competitions for all levels and abilities.


Types of Competitions

Traditional Meets - Are held in 25 yards (SCY), 25 meters (SCM), and 50 meters (LCM) pools year-round with a full complement of events, including relays (single-sex and mixed) Meets are held on the local, regional, zone and national levels.

Open Water Races - Open water races take place in the ocean and lakes. Swimmers compete on the local, regional and national levels. Wet suits are not allowed!

Postal Events - Unique to Masters swimming, the postal event is the most convenient way to participate. We swim at are own pool and submit times by mail to be scores and tabulated. Distances are usually quite long: 5K, 10K, 3000 yards, 6000 yards.

Fitness Events - Fitness events are designed to be noncompetitive and usually involve counting laps completed in a given time. Another example is virtual swims. Record your distance every day and plot your course swimming around the world. What a challenge!

Is competition really necessary?
Not always, but one of the best ways to motivate yourself to train harder is to compete. The goal is to improve one's physical and emotional well-being. Whether you finish first or dead last is not the issue. The only losers are those who make no effort to take care of themselves. The competition in Masters swimming isn't against the swimmer in the next lane. It's all about you, your goals, feeling great, and having fun! Everyone who participates with the Nadadores Masters is a winner because we are all taking action to better ourselves in a positive and confidence-building team environment.


Challenge Achievement Recognition
"Our main goal is to help swimmers feel competent and confident in their
abilities to reach their goals and maximize their performances."

-Coach Mark