YMCA of the USA requires coaches, athletes, parents of athletes and meet volunteers to comply with child protection guidelines, and to sign and attest participation waivers. This process is completed electronically, with no paper processing.

Coaches share the links and instructions with their parents, adult athletes, other team coaches and their YMCA CEO or Executive Director so all requirements are met by Friday, July 26, 2024.


1. Share the links below with your team's coaches, athletes age 18 and older and parents of athletes under 18. Remember to share your YMCA's four digit association number with them. It is needed on each individual's form. THE ATHLETE'S NAME ON THE ATTESTATION FORM SHOULD EXACTLY MATCH THE NAME ON THEIR ENTRY. This applies to coaches as well.

**Important Note** - Ask your athletes and parents to include your e-mail address and to share a copy of their completed form with you for your file. This will be helpful if there is a question of whether they submitted their signed form.


2. Share the CEO/ED Attestation/Declaration link with your CEO or, if your program is a branch program, with your branch's Executive Director. Ensure that everything is completed and submitted by Friday, July 26, 2024. NOTE: If your team is an association team, the association's CEO completes the form and uses the association's association number. If your team is a branch team, your branch Executive Director completes the form and uses the branch association number. A CEO should not complete one form for multiple branch teams.



Parent of Minor (17&U) Athlete

Adult (18&O) Athlete

CEO / Executive Director



Will use the YMCA National Youth Event Volunteer Registration. A YMCA account is required (Instructions here). Step by step instructions with screenshots here. Deadline is Friday, July 26, 2024.